Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A White Reservation

In the greatest of Western films, the philosophical main character Gus and his best friend Call have a discussion on their work clearing Texas of the Comanche menace. While doing so, they look about them at the Indians and Mexicans in the town and Gus opines that "In twenty years they'll be putting us on a reservation." Of course, true to form Call disagrees, but I wonder if he would if Gus had said "200 years" instead?

Recent figures from the California show that Latinos make up over 50 percent of the students in the school system. When one considers that every year 100 thousand native born leave California for an America that resembles the one they grew-up in, it doesn't seem to be too long before the gringo's time in Azland will have come to an end.

As my father told me as a child: what happens in California spreads throughout the rest of the land. California is the bell weather for America. When Ronald Reagan signed California's no fault divorce legislation into law, it was the first state in the union to allow such an obama-nation; yet, today it is the norm. Why should someone not be able to abandon their union before God as easily as they would an order at Wendy's? At least that is the thinking today, but it wasn't always so. But, what started in the sunshine state infected the rest of the land: so it has been and so it shall be.

But, what is there to fear: Things have worked out famously for the Indians.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, why won't we stick to our core values and start reproducing like jackrabbits and sustain American culture!?!? Sin.

    Reagan did something pretty low when he signed that legislation. That is very sad. At least, I think, the military didn't follow suit. Does every state have that now, or are the dominoes still falling?

    California does seem like the crystal ball we can gaze through to see what America will look like in 20 years or so. Sigh. Tea-party voters are the last little 'whimper' before the nation crumbles, I guess. Hopefully the Senate they voted in will stay true to their convictions and we'll have a 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington' for our generation.

    I have a Mexican-American in my class that hates the new Arizona law, even though I cringe at the word 'new' there. He objects to the application of the law by cops. He says the cops racially profile you and the law makes that easier to happen. If I were a legal Mexican-American trying to pay my dues, I wouldn't care one bit. I'd realize my state and my country are in a state of emergency. I'd have my papers on me, and no matter how racist the cop, my papers are my salvation, and I could get on with my day. I'd love the crack-down, so they could throw out all the slackers that cut everyone else who were legally waiting in line for a privilege I don't deserve, but that the opportunity has been extended to me through grace.

    You'd like to take all these obnoxious 'bleeding hearts' and toss them in the cauldron of commonsense.
